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Slipped Stitches

A small group of knitters with a range of knitting experiences - from the wise Maple Girl to the careful and fresh faced Sauce, and the full throttle knit or die style of Sly. Enjoy our varied projects and thoughts, and if you don't have anything nice to say...well...you know.


Happy one year since the last post-iversary!

Egads! A whole year has passed, and not a single post by the knitters...maybe we've been too busy knitting, m'kay?
I'll post some pics of some finished prods...ok, well the motherinlaw scarf has been gifted, so that's a bit less yarn that's occupying my home. I finished the sassy Finnish style mitts, which I adore, and I am almost getting close to someday finishing that godforsaken daisy sweater. I hates it.

Huh. Can't post pictures...yay blogger. I guess I'll try later. Or maybe next year.


Is it time for more knitting yet?

Ahhh...I have so much wool! I am rich with wool...if there is a natural disaster and I am stuck indoors, I have enough wool to keep myself occupied for a while. Let's see... I've got a few UFO's happening. As you can see, there is one unfinished alpaca mother in law scarf (sucker for punishment that I am), one just started blue and white Finnish style mitten cuff, and one far too big (I think) double knit hat for the huge noggin of Mr. Sly. Hopefully I can trick the ladies into some knitting and wine this weekend...


WARNING - online shopping

Ugh. I ordered some yarn from Yarnware.com (great sales, service, and yarns) but any savings I made were cancelled out by the ridiculous Canada Customs charges! Don't order stuff from the US unless you feel like paying through the nose! I wish I had thought of it. *sulking*



The weather has turned cool, and with it comes the need for more wool. I'm going to ponder some projects (though I really need to finish some existing ones...all in good time...), and hopefully I can earn the right, by using up old wool, to buy some new stuff. I think my MIL wants a scarf - I've been hesitant to make stuff for people if I'm not sure that they'll appreciate it, but she's requested it a couple of times, and oohed and ahhed over one that I made, so I guess it should happen. I've made enough stuff for her grand child that she knows the quality of my work (which is sort of amateurish, IMHO).

I just finished a couple of things - a pair of socks for me that turned out to be mismatched, blast it. I used hand painted bargain wool, but I ran out of the first skein, so I used the second, which was dyed a bit darker. Oh well, I'll look like a supernerd, and just wear them in the company of friends and other non-judgemental types.

I also bought some beautiful homespun wool on ebay...when I saw the colours, I had to have it so I could make something for my half Swedish baby niece...who wouldn't wear these fuzzy lovely socks?


Moss stitch tunic

I finished the tunic for Coco...I followed the pattern from Zoe Mellor's Double Knits book. I used Butterfly brand mercerized cotton, which was nice to knit with, but it had a really weird drape once knitted up. It "slanted", so a rectangle actually hung like a parallellogram. I was worried, but assembly and washing helped matters. Also, I followed the pattern and knit for a 1 year old, but the arms looked terrible...the pattern required the armholes to be 13 cm from the shoulder seam, but when I assembled it, the armpit looked really constricted, and the sleeve puffed out awkwardly. I took a chance and re-assembled it, allowing the sleeve to fall where it wanted to - the result was a deeper armhole. I hope it's not too bulky, but it looks like it will be more comfy.

It will be hard to resist, but I'm going to try to hold out until Christmas to give this to her - if she grows really really fast then I'll just hand it over.


Bad knitter!

Where have I been?? Terrible - no completed projects to report, just many starts. I am trying so hard to use up all of those earth toned wools that I'm bored of looking at, so I'm making a huge felted tote with the guidance of Sensei G. I think it will be lovely for me to lug my knitting around in! It's taking me a long time though - I think it's because I cast on something like 200 stitches...ridiculous, but necessary, otherwise once felted it would only be big enough to put one of Sal's poops in.

I've also been slowly plugging away at a daisy themed sweater for Coco, or possibly another kid who is the right size when it's done. Not sure who, but I'm sure there are some out there somewhere. Aside from the awful intarsia or whatever it's called, the yarn is gorgeous to knit with...it's like buttah! I love really good cotton ('twas on sale at Romni wools!). Here's the beast...notice I did not include a shot of the underside. It's gross...so many ends to weave in.

I love the idea of this sweater, but I feel like I need some instant gratification. This sounds like a job for....socks!


Happy New Year!

Hi knitters! Coco's out, so in a small fit of domesticity, I knit up a wee hat for her using leftover wool from these mitts (Sauce I totally copied you)...

I used Brown Sheep Co's handknit originals wool...soooo soft. Anyways, I tried to get Sal to try on the hat for me (he's usually a pretty good model) but he was not cooperating.

Why do you hate me Sal, why?

Here's the hat, shapeless, and without feline model.