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Slipped Stitches

A small group of knitters with a range of knitting experiences - from the wise Maple Girl to the careful and fresh faced Sauce, and the full throttle knit or die style of Sly. Enjoy our varied projects and thoughts, and if you don't have anything nice to say...well...you know.


I love Monday

I love having Monday off - I wish every Monday was off. Yay!!! 24 is on tonight. I'm very excited to get my Kiefer fix. Finally, I'm so happy that the Sauce is back! It's all coming together.

I'm pretty sure that I'm going to spend the day knitting, unless my mother convinces me to go for a walk (probably not a bad thing...the March break was especially slothful for me). That's right...must be that all inclusive livin'. Don't judge me...

I may not always do the "cool" thing, but at least I know how to have fun.


for this post

Blogger Unknown Says:

Thanks Miss G...
I think you're super cool for wool shopping online! I'm so inspired now!


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